Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast87: Stephen Downes on E-Learning 2.0- Learning Networks and Connected Learning

This podcast is a recording of a presentation made by Stephen Downes during Global Learn Day on October 8, 2006 and recorded via Skype and Call Recorder. I apologize for the keyboard noises which were inadvertently also recorded along with Stephen’s excellent presentation. Despite this distraction, I think Stephen’s message was superb and well worth sharing. He discussed the essential elements of the Elearning 2.0 environment, similar to what Tim O’Reilly has termed Web 2.0, and discussed eight essential characteristics of effective networks in this environment. I think Stephen does a wonderful job synthesizing technological innovations with learning theory and pedagogy, providing us with an excellent blueprint to use when creating and interacting in blended learning environments with learners of different ages.

Program Length: 24 min, 11 sec
File size: 5.6 MB

Podcast 08 October 2006(Click here to listen to this podcast)

Show notes for this podcast include:

  1. My notes from Stephen’s presentation
  2. Stephen Downes’ blog and website
  3. Stephen’s audio recordings (including a link to his podcast)
  4. Global Learning Day post on Stephen and his preso
  5. Future VLE – The Visual Version (Virtual Learning Environment, also called a PLE: Personal Learning Environment)
  6. What Is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software by Tim O’Reilly
  7. Upcoming ITForum where Stephen will be presenting again on these issues: Oct 16, 2006
  8. Global Learn Day X: October 7 and 8, 2006
  9. K-12 Online Conference 2006 blog and info: Unleashing the Potential

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