Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Hawaii Photos

I’ve posted about ninety photos from my trip to Hawaii last week to Flickr.

Sunset over the Pacific Ocean

After the conference finished up on Saturday, I spent Saturday night and most of Sunday with my cousin who took me to the Hawaiian North Shore on Oahu. I am not a current viewer and fan of the TV series “Lost,” but I may be now– among other places we visited Camp Erdman on the North Shore, where the series “Lost” is filmed. Very cool.

Setting for

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2 responses to “Hawaii Photos”

  1. Jennifer Wagner Avatar

    Ahhhh — you weer on my side of the island —
    unfortunately they were NOtT filming LOST when I was there……but they weere filming Jurassic Park and the former 7th grade teacher at the school I was at, her daughter was the understudy for the young girl in the movie — so we got to go see some filming. (such memories)

    I am glad you got to see so much of the island — did you see the 30 foot waves— very impressive!!


  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    No, as we were swimming on Sunday thankfully the waves were just 1-3 feet– I understand that later in the winter, however, things can and do get much bigger! So I’ll have to return another time (with my family) to see those! 🙂