Category: travel

  • NFC Sticker Automation

    NFC Sticker Automation

    Here’s a geeky tale for you. We have an old Bluetooth stereo in our car that does not support CarPlay, and it irritatingly connects automatically to my iPhone in the mornings before school when I start the vehicle to warm it up. This evening I successfully configured a NFC sticker (37 cents each in a…

  • Priceless Media Hostages

    Priceless Media Hostages

    This evening I looked through an old box of media tapes and CDs which managed to survive our 1000+ mile move from Oklahoma to North Carolina two years ago. There are some priceless artifacts here. Basically all the Digital 8 and MiniDV video tapes which I recorded of our kids and family growing up are…

  • Visualizing Off-Planet Habitats

    Visualizing Off-Planet Habitats

    My middle school computer programming students are continuing to work on our “Coding Mars” unit, in which they are using Minecraft MakeCode to simulate the 3D printing of structures and habitats which Icon of Austin, Texas, is under contract with NASA to do first on the moon / the lunar surface and (ultimately) on Mars.…

  • Curated ATLIS 2022 Learning

    Last week I had a fantastic opportunity to both attend and present at the 2022 “Association of Technology Leaders in Independent Schools” (ATLIS) Conference in Orlando, Florida. My presentation was titled, “Teaching about Conspiracy Theories and Media Literacy.” Afterwards I curated 100 of my tweets from the conference which include resource links, quotations from speakers,…

  • Tales by Light

    I started my morning this Thursday of our spring break by watching episode one of an amazing Netflix series, “Tales by Light.” In this post I’d like to reflect on how this documentary combines my loves for digital storytelling, photography, the stewardship of our planet, and powerful media narratives that can both enthrall and inspire…

  • AI Photo Magic

    I love cooking with fire, enjoying fires in our fireplace at home, and building campfires when our family goes camping. I wrote about this a bit in my previous post, “Identity and Fire Cooking.” For the past year or so, we’ve had a friend’s “almost broken” plasma TV in our guest bedroom, serving as a…

  • Identity and Fire Cooking

    The Netflix “Chef‘s Table” BBQ documentary on (now) Australian chef Lennox Hastie, culinary artist at Firedoor Restaurant in Sydney, is an amazing celebration of both cooking creativity and the magical art as well as science of cooking with fire. The episode on Lennox is number 2 in the series: Learn more about him on his…

  • Sharing My Enthusiasm for Space Exploration

    Last week when Shelly and I were attending the NASA Space Exploration Educators Conference at Space Center Houston, our students and colleagues were out of school with 3 snow days in a row! Today we were all back in class, and I took about 10 minutes in each of my classes to share a little…

  • Podcast477: Remembering Wild Bill Hickock and Calamity Jane in Deadwood, South Dakota

    Welcome to a special episode of “Moving at the Speed of Creativity,” recorded from the Mt Moriah cemetery in Deadwood, South Dakota on June 26, 2021. Members of our family went on the “Boot Hill Tours Historical Tour of Deadwood,” and I audio recorded the culminating portion at the graveside of both Wild Bill Hickock…

  • Reflections on AI, China-U.S. Relations, Education & Innovation

    The rapid improvement of artificial intelligence (AI) / machine learning algorithms and systems is one of the most important technological trends to study, discuss, and understand today in 2020. In addition to the adult Sunday School class I’m teaching this year, which is using a book on artificial intelligence as a guiding text (“2084: Artificial…