Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

HLA06 pics

Dr Drew Honolulu has published a nice set of photos from the Hawaii Library Association’s annual conference in November, that include a few candids of yours truly. 🙂

Wesley Fryer speaking at the November 2006 Hawaii Library Association's conference

His comments on the above photo remind me of our conversation at the end of the conference about critically considering technologies, the information environment, and the roles of schools and libraries in helping cultivate literacies. I still have several recordings from HLA06 that I need to publish as podcasts (including that conversation) and hopefully will be able to do so in the weeks ahead. (Especially since my 40 day evening technology fast is almost over!)

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One response to “HLA06 pics”

  1. Graham Wegner Avatar

    You mean even in Hawaii, they still made you wear a tie at the presentation? Mate, that’s like making someone wear shoes in Darwin!