Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Addressing the lurkers

I love this list of graphics for “National Delurking Week 2007!”

These are two of my favorites:

In your 2007 professional development sessions at school, consider proposing a “blog commenting” activity. Part of the activity time can be spent edifying student bloggers. The other part can be spent commenting on edu-blogger websites, or other blog sites.

Last week was actually National Delurking Week, but it’s never too late to get on board!






7 responses to “Addressing the lurkers”

  1. David Truss Avatar

    I’ve been a lurking fan for a few weeks now.
    Here is a post in my blog that evolved into a bit of a Wesley Fryer tribute:
    I’ve really enjoyed your blog, thank you so much for adding to my learning:-)

  2. Kevin Avatar

    Hi Wesley
    Thanks for the de-lurking link.
    Such a noble goal to pull the curtains aside and see who is off in the shadows, reading and thinking as part of the community …

    PS — I am now zooming over to David’s site to see what he did with you, Wesley.

  3. John Martin Avatar


    This is a great exercise to reinforce the act of participation – the interactivity which adds a richer dimension to the blogging experience. Even more so when our teaching professionals contribute their thoughts to the work of students even if they don’t happen to be their own!

    Thanks for the great work Wes, keep it coming!


  4. Lady S Avatar

    Since a number popped up in the Spam protection, I assume I have posted here before, but not often.

    I have started to introduce my sixth graders to blogger and their teachers are interested. I hope, this spring, to get a blogging thing going either in Literacy or Social Studies.

    I think I will start next week by having them look at the two blogs you mentioned in the Edifying Students blog. I would love to find more.

  5. Lady S Avatar

    Duh..maybe if I had scrolled down more. I am now looking at your list. Thanks.