Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Bandwidth blues

It is apparent to me that many of our hotels in the U.S. are ill prepared to deal with the legions of clients who are now showing up for educational technology conferences with laptops in hand. Back in February, I was shocked to see that the “high speed connection” at my Holiday Inn hotel in Austin for the TCEA conference was consistently topping out SLOWER than a 14.4 modem. Yesterday at the SITE conference in San Antonio at the Riverwalk Crowne Plaza, I and other attendees repeatedly saw (and I saw again this morning) the following screen when we’ve tried to log into the COMMERCIALLY PROVIDED Internet access we’re each paying a daily fee to “use:”

The Internet is too busy here

This is not just an issue of wireless access point capacity, as I thought it was earlier in the day. When I returned to my hotel room yesterday afternoon and plugged into the wired ethernet network, I was presented with the same same message. The net result was, I was substantially delayed in my need to check email to get a phone number, to make a call I needed to make in a small window of time between sessions at which I was either required to present or wanted to take in as an audience member. How frustrating!

I’m not dreaming of a white Christmas, I’m dreaming of a 3G network card that would give me direct access to a high speed Internet connection independent of hotels’ apparent inability to deal with increasing bandwidth requirements of their paying clientele.

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One response to “Bandwidth blues”

  1. Salvor Avatar

    I share you dream about Internet connection away from home independent of hotels etc. I came to Texas for two weeks to the Site conference and is highly dependent upon Internet access – trying to communicate with my students back home. BTW the Microtel motel I was staying at had perfect Internet connection.

    Thank you for all this wonderful notes from the Site 2007 conference. It helps me a lot reflecting upon the sessions as I am not native speaker of English and therefore I miss out a lot.