Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

High Quality Learning: It’s all about Nature (technology) AND Nurture (pedagogy)

These are my notes from Curtis Bonk’s (Indiana University) keynote at SITE 2007. The handout for this session is available as a PDF. The pace of this preso was so fast there is a lot of content I could not capture. I did record this for a later podcast, which Dr Bonk said would be fine.

Signs of the times
– lots of YouTube videos being cited

– fake professors editing WikiPedia
– real professors who put 5 errors into wikipedia that were corrected in 30 minutes

Yesterday at John Seely Brown’s address I was using WikiPedia to look up names he was mentioning
– it is a tool

Ball State #1 wireless campus last year, others were Indiana, Purdue, DePaul
– We’re inundated with these stats
– all these messages being sent to use, forward
– #1 “in thing” on college campuses is iPods, not beer
– #2 is beer, #3 is facebook, #4 drinking other alcohol, #5 is text messaging

How many of us are overwhelmed by tech?

Nature and Nurture: An Interactional model of technology, pedagogy, people/society/culture etc.

Poll #1: RAise your hands if you are a digital natives (grew up with a computer at home)
– walking around in a technology bubble
– San Francisco Chronicle May 14, 2006: “Young and Wired” by Katherine Seligman
– audio quote from “The Matrix” descibing it all around us

Lots of discussion over multitasking: people really doing more simultaneously, really learning more?

Email is old school for kids today
– picture of family in

Growth of Online Learning in Secondary Schools
– Free online course will aid Michigan students
– are requiring an online class in Michigan now
– are now teaching Mandarin Chinese in Michigan
– South Dakota: 1st case of students favoring online education over F2F

How will things change in 5 years

Florida virtual schools: 60,000 credit hours taught online, 30,000 students enrolled

REynolds and Greiner: 2006 – Enabling Blend National University Dept of Teacher Education
– their blend involves F2F during field experiences
– numbers of learners have not gone up by huge numbers
– at National Univ they have shifted where the learning is taking place: from 3% online to 43% online

60,000 students in Open University in Thailand
– huge increases in Malasia

Trend #1: Blogging (75,000 new people each day)
– less than 1% of those are educational blogs
– that is still a lot of educational blogs
– not just in the USA
– China will soon surpass the USA in # of bloggers (Sept 26, 2006 article by Canadien Press)

Blogging Questions
– Who has a blog? Any for a specific class?
– Who regularly reads other people’s blogs?
– Who assigns blogging tasks?
– Who has created a video blog?
– Who thinks blogging is a total waste of time?

People here in Texas blogging
– some being anonymous
– people concerned about teachers blogging
– Adventure blogs:, adventure blogging (Ben Saunders, Mark Fennell)
– people blogging before they go underwater at the north pole

Many uses of blogs
1- instructor or tutor blog
2- learner blog
3- partner blog
4- class blog

(clip “I’ve got a brain” from Wizard of Oz)

Andy Carvin’s Waste of Bandwidth

Story from December of

Papert loved to ask students what gets them excited about technology: exploring, sharing with my friends, trying things out

Trend #2: Wikis

WikiPedia not only has current info, but also LINKED information
– WikiQuotes, WikiBooks, KidPedia coming soon, lots of projects from the Wiki Foundation

Jimmy Wales dropped out of my university to create WikiPedia

Wiki Questions
1- Who regularly reads wikipedia articles just for fun?
2- more

How to use wikis in teaching
1- provide space for free writing
2- more

Trend #3: Podcasting, Webcasting and Coursecasting

Can now listen to books

EdTechTalk example, Radio Willowweb, Podkids Australia

Podcast question

Kids doing podcasts in schools today

(Curtis has put on a pink wing and is holding an inflatible guitar)

KidZooks podcast

Education Podcast Network

Lanugage Learning:
– “great teachers in your podcast, excellent resources on the web”
– most of it is free, some are paid sections
– Dali Lama did a podcast
– Arabic being taught online

Educational Applications of podcasting (Essex 2006, Leftwich 2007)
– 9 different ideas

At IU we have an instructional consulting office, we’ve had 27 episodes on how to use podcasts instructionally “Teach with Tech by Chris Essex”

Stanford on iTunes

Trend #4: $100 Laptop
– yesterday we heard a speaker from the $100

Trend #5: Virtual Worlds / Virtual Reality
– Dell in SL, IBM having annoucements there
– making money
– K12 students in SL: “Student Exchange, Without the Jet Lag” article in Edutopia

Trend #6: Skype and Google Talk: Online Phone Calls

Trend #7: Digital Books
– in Korea they have digital books coming out which include multimedia elements, virtual worlds
– already have PMPs (personal multimedia players) in Korea
– Realebooks
– Physics content free in South African website

Trend #8: OpenSource Tools
– Moodle
– Sakai
– Drupal

Trend #9: Simulations (SimTeacher)

Trend #10: OpenCourseware
– 1st MIT
– 2nd: Univ of Vietnam
– many others are putting free content up online: Tufts, NotreDame (ethics courses)

Lucifer Chew who
– OOPS! Opensource Opencourse…

In the past open courseware would be called pirating
– Curtis has now put on a pirate hat and is holding a pirate sword

OER Commons: Will index all open courseware projects around teh world

GELC is now Curriki
– free content, learning portal, Scott McNealy and others are putting up

Trend #11: Portals and Free and Open Resources
– Stallerium project (free planetarium)
– US gov’t, NASA resources
– Google
– Writer’s window: people add to your story, share your writing

Trend #12: Social Networking Software
– myspace

13: Youtube

14: flickr

15: google maps for mashups in K-12 education

Let’s talk about pedagogy now for the last 10 minutes

3 frameworks to walk away with

1- Learner-Centered Learning Principles from APA in 1993
– Anchored instruction (show a video clip, have discussion wrapped around it
– AlwaysOn: The Insider’s Network

2- Cool resource provider
– have students find cool resources and showcase/share them

3- ORL or Library Day
– have students spend a day in the library or online finding and summarizing a set of number of articles
– have them bring to class or post abstracts to an online forum
– share in small groups
– reflections

I don’t read all the reflections, they have a critical friend who reads the reflection and gives them feedback

4- Online warm-ups Activities

Just in time teaching

TEC-VARIETY framework
1- Tone/Climate
2- Encouragement, feedback
5- Autonomy, choice
10- Yields Products

99 seconds: What have you learned so far

4MAT System Model changed R2D2 Model
1- Read
2- Reflect

(Curtis is now wearing a jedi robe and holding a light saber)

Art and history exhibits

I’m giving up trying to write down more ideas, see the handout.

Last model: The MATRIX
(Curtis is now dressed as NEO)

Think about the pedagogy that is wrapped around it, are you being learner centered?

Sample papers:







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