Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Make eBooks, webpages, quizzes and other content iPod-mobile!

We wrapped up our 3 day “Digital Learning Academy” yesterday with teachers in Mustang, Oklahoma and in St. Louis, Missouri, with teachers sharing the results and learning points from their collaborative projects at the end of the day via a H.323 videoconference connection. Teachers used, Ning, Flickr, and/or PBWiki to create three different projects on topics they selected. One group chose to make a podcasting handbook, which included an additional software page featuring some tools I’d either not encountered previously or forgotten.

These included and iPod Notes Packager, which permit users to convert text-file eBooks as well as webpages into iPod-compatible files. I saved iPod eBook Creator to my bookmarks for eBooks back in August 2006 but have never taken time to use the program, and I forgot about it!

The group also included a link to mogopop and iWriter, which both look great. According to the about page on the mogopop website:

First there were free homepages. Then blogs. Then social networking. All of these allow people to create, publish and experience media on the Web. But until now, there’s been no way for people without a lot of technical experience to easily create and publish their own multimedia content for mobile devices. Today, anyone can participate in the future of media. Mogopop is a free web-based service where members and visitors can create, publish and download multimedia content for iPod. This content that can incorporate audio, video, pictures, podcasts, text – whatever our members’ minds can imagine, they can create. Mogopop downloads are like mini-Websites for iPod that anyone can enjoy. Our members create it, everyone enjoys it.

The tagline for mogopop is “make it go.” Sweet! 🙂 The website for iWriter (which is commercial software, btw) states:

Now it’s easy to create useful iPod projects for both students and teachers at any educational level. No special technical skills required – make an engaging learning program for iPod in no time flat! Download it now for Mac OS X or Windows and see for yourself!

Possibilities for time and place shifting our consumption of content continue to expand! 🙂 iQuizMaker (free) is another application this group shared which was new to me. It’s website description states:

iQuiz Maker is an easy way for you to create custom quizzes for the iQuiz game for the iPod. iQuiz Maker works seamlessly so you can write, create, package your very own quizzes. Download the free application today to begin putting the world to the test.

If you’ve had personal experiences using any of these tools, either positive or negative, I’d love to hear about them.

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One response to “Make eBooks, webpages, quizzes and other content iPod-mobile!”

  1. Kyle Stevens Avatar


    My school began an iPod initiative last year with our freshman and will continue this program this year with both our freshman and sophomores. Last year my class used the Ambience eBook creator to make a readable version of Plato’s Republic for our iPods. The student feedback was positive in the ease of the software and in reading the text on the iPod. I just created a tutorial quiz for our faculty using the iQuiz Maker. The iQuiz Maker program is easy to use and quiz to transfer to your iPod. A bonus is the quiz sharing website, I plan on using both of these applications frequently during the upcoming school year and will keep you up to date on the progress on my blog.

    Enjoy your day,