Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Rising treehouse expectations

Wow. Yesterday after picking up our two oldest children in Kansas (where they had both spent a week with relatives) we stopped by the remarkably creative Kevin Honeycutt’s house. We went to meet his family, but also to have a guided tour of the AMAZING treehouse Kevin built with his son Ben several years ago.

treehouse - 17.jpg

Expectations around our house of what a treehouse should look like (or even CAN look like) have certainly changed! 🙂

This was a visit enabled by 21st century technologies in at least one way… (besides iPhone Google Map directions)– I had emailed Kevin earlier in the week, but it wasn’t until we connected via Twitter on Sunday afternoon that we finalized plans for the meet-up! Woo hoo for Twitter – a great people-connector!

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3 responses to “Rising treehouse expectations”

  1. Stephen Downes Avatar

    It’s very nice, but it’s not a “treehouse” if it has posts stuck into the ground. :p

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    Well, Kevin said they wanted to built it so it didn’t harm or hurt the tree…. It does have the tree growing through it, so it certainly is more than a house on stilts! Seeing this, being in it and “experiencing” it challenged my kids and I to think about more possibilities when it comes to backyard treehouses, that is for sure!

  3. Geri Avatar

    Their tree house is an inspiration. It’s nice that he and his son both worked hard to finish it.