Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Some heartfelt thoughts about textbooks, laptops, and digital curriculum

I’ve penned a new post for The Infinite Thinking Machine I’ve titled, “A call for a textbook purchasing moratorium.”

Is the fact that I’m unsatisfied with “School as usual” showing yet? 🙂 I’d welcome your comments and feedback on that post.



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One response to “Some heartfelt thoughts about textbooks, laptops, and digital curriculum”

  1. Paughnee Avatar

    I’m happy to say that the high school where my husband teaches, and where our
    daughter is a Junior, is no longer issuing textbooks. Each teacher has a classroom set
    of books and the textbooks are available online for students to use at home. (Books are
    also available for students to check out overnight. . . unfortunately, the school isn’t
    providing each student with a laptop.)

    In addition to the money that is saved by not buying copies of textbooks for every student,
    the school has just eliminated one of the biggest beginning- and end-of-year hassles
    (collecting and accounting for all the textbooks). Plus, the school is not issuing lockers
    to students since they won’t have to carry or store textbooks. The campus is so spread
    out that most students carried all their books with them anyway. So, lots of benefits
    all the way around.