Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Entroute to Shanghai

I’m afraid I am going to become addicted to Animoto. I timed “image upload to published movie” time for the following Animoto movie, and it was 14 minutes, 13 seconds. This included uploading 20 images from my hard drive to Flickr using the Flickr image uploader as a new set, selecting that image set in Animoto, briefly browsing the provided songs and selecting one, and clicking CREATE MOVIE. Amazing.

The longest part of this wait was for the Animoto site to render the video.

A N I M O T O: Rendering

Still, compared to some rendering times I’ve experienced in the past (overnight for some of the early iMovies I made in 1999 and 2000) this is remarkably fast.

I’ve never seen an account with a balance of infinity till now.

A N I M O T O_ Balance = infinity!

Since I paid $30 for an “all-access pass” I can create videos longer than 30 seconds, which are automatically timed according to how many images are included in the video. This 20 image video is 60 seconds long.

Two more hours to wait before our aircraft leaves for Shanghai!


Then in JUST 16.5 hours, we’ll be on the east coast of the Asian continent!

Shanghai marked on a map of China

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One response to “Entroute to Shanghai”

  1. Brian Avatar

    It’s soo cool seeing those clips created right into video especially since I was experiencing at least some of the journey with you. (the part form Narita to Shanghai) Right at the time you were taking these pictures in Narita, I was updating my twit on my clumpsy Japanese Mobil phone. Can’t wait until the iPhone launches in Japan.

    See you on Friday at the conference.