Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Organic grocery store surprises in Shanghai

After lunch today we explored some of the stores around our hotel in Pudong, Shanghai, China. We found quite a few surprises at an organic grocery store! I recorded some comments about these on a VoiceThread this afternoon:

I’m publishing our photos to both a Flickr set as well as a .Mac photo gallery. I published the organic grocery food pictures to a different Flickr set also. This is my favorite Shanghai traffic sign so far. It looks like it is ordering “no trumpet playing,” but it actually means “no honking.” Drivers here used to honk ALL the time, reportedly, but over the summer the communist government announced a new law that drivers can’t honk anymore. So, as a result I suppose, these signs are common around our hotel. Perhaps these signs were up before the law changed, I’m not sure. I’m glad everyone isn’t honking on the street anymore, in any event!

No trumpet playing! (actually this means no honking)

In addition, now being an admitted Animoto addict, I created a short Animoto video with the images I’ve added to our Shanghai Flickr photo set to date. (These don’t include the organic food photos!)

What fun!

This evening in about two hours the Learning 2.0 conference officially kicks off with dinner and a panel discussion with the presenters. This discussion is being published subsequently as a podcast, so I’ll share that link later when it becomes available.

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3 responses to “Organic grocery store surprises in Shanghai”

  1. Janice Stearns Avatar

    Thanks for sharing your photos and impressions of Shanghai. I enjoy the experience of looking at the variety of images and the grocery store tour. It gave me a feeling of almost being there! I didn’t realize that so many signs and labels would be translated into English. Looking forward to your podcast of the conference.

  2. Graham Avatar

    Fascinating! I have an Organic Products website in thee UK and I have never seen products like these before.
    Have you the contact details of the store – they may wish to export – that would be fun – well maybe!!!!

  3. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    Graham, I’ll get the contact info for the store tomorrow (it’s on the way to the school where our conference is being held in Shanghai) and I’ll post them here as a blog comment. 🙂