Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast194: Global Voices: Distributed Learning Projects With Interactive Podcasting and VOIP Tools

This podcast is a recording of my final session at the Learning 2.0 conference in Shanghai, China, on September 16, 2007. The title of my session was “Global Voices: Distributed Learning Projects With Interactive Podcasting and VOIP Tools.” The description of this session in the conference program was: Amazing new voice technologies are enabling classrooms to connect across distances and engage in collaborative projects using both synchronous and asychronous voice interactions such as interactive podcasting, Skype or Google Talk. This session presents examples of successful interactive podcasting and voice over IP (VOIP) classroom exchange projects, as well as discusses reasons why campus administrators and district leaders should encourage these types of collaborative projects to develop student literacy skills as well as content area knowledge.

mp3 podcast


  1. Session slides and referenced links (on wikispaces, accessible from China)
  2. Session slides and referenced links (on PBwiki, not directly accessible from China without a proxy service)

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