Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Back in the USA, our travel day continues

It is great to be back in the USA! We were able to take off from Shanghai before the typhoon made landfall. It ended up making landfall south of Shanghai and not doing much damage to the city, but still caused flooding and damage in other parts of China. Fox News has an image of flooding from Rui’an City. I’m glad we got out when we did! Here are some photos we snapped right after landing in Detroit. The face of the guy in the left side of the first picture says a lot! 🙂

Will and Sheryl: Back to the USA!

Shelly and Wesley: Back in the USA again!

It has now been 24.5 hours since we got up this morning in Shanghai– we got up at 5 am local, and it’s now 5:30 pm US Eastern time! Unfortunately because of a slight delay in our departing flight from Tokyo and some delays getting through US customs, we missed our connecting flight to Oklahoma City. So, now we won’t get home till about 10 pm. Bed is going to feel great. Flying east is definitely tougher than flying west, although anytime your body clock changes by 11 hours it’s a major adjustment.

I’m going to be making several voicethread reflections about the trip as well as publishing some additional podcast recordings in the days ahead. In all, it was a great trip and a great opportunity for learning. I’ll be keynoting the November 2nd TechForum in Austin on the topic “So The World is Flat. Now What?” This trip to Shanghai definitely gave me lots of new food for thought on that subject.






3 responses to “Back in the USA, our travel day continues”

  1. Eric Langhorst Avatar

    Wes – Great to know you are back in the U.S. I was thinking of you all and wondering if you made it back OK or missed the flight. I discussed your trip and the blog with my students today. Thanks again for sharing and sweet dreams as your head hits the pillow tonight.

  2. Gary Stager Avatar

    Wow! That flight looks like the Poseidon Adventure! (or perhaps, I’t s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.”


  3. taf Avatar

    Wes & Shelly – Glad to have you both back in the good ol’ USA. Have really enjoyed your pics and thoughts. Look forward to a VoiceThread or two about the adventure. Memories from trips like this will last for a lifetime!