Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast208: Blending Learning with Powerful Ingredients

This podcast is a keynote address I shared on December 12, 2007, with teachers at the Good Shephard Episcopal School in Dallas, Texas, over skype as a videoconference to kick off a day of professional development focused on distance learning. We discussed the ways audio recording and podcasting technologies can be viewed as disruptive and threatening to teachers and professors, and the ways these and other technologies can be leveraged to enhance learning opportunities. We discussed analogies between cooking and teaching, including the “Ratatouille Effect” (everyone can learn) as well as the lesson from Ratatouille about the need to start with the best ingredients when cooking. We wrapped up sharing our perceptions of the most powerful ingredients for digitally enhanced and engaging learning. Mine (linked in our notes from the session’s brainstorming sessions) are social bookmarks, Flickr, VoiceThread, and Skype.

mp3 podcast

  1. Our brainstorming notes from this presentation / session
  2. Archived webinars from COSN and US Telecom are being linked here

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One response to “Podcast208: Blending Learning with Powerful Ingredients”

  1. kathy shields Avatar

    I enjoyed the cooking metaphor and concur with your ‘ingredients’. It was the list of toos, namely “2.smartboard: help organize teaching”. Personally I don’t feel I use my board as an organizer. It’s more of a motivator and an idea generator. It’s interactive and not simply a filing cabinet receptacle. Was I reading too much into such a short statement? Probably. 🙂