Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Vitae guidance on presentations?

I’ve spent a fair bit of time recently getting my vitae updated with article references, links, and other updates from my academic and professional activities in 2007. I basically didn’t update ANY links on my vitae in 2007, so there have been a lot of things to track down, and I still need to add titles, links and dates for my presentations from 2007. I resolved the dilemma I blogged about in November regarding Dreamweaver by running the program in Windows XP via Parallels. As a result, I am not having to make wholesale changes in my websites which would be necessary (seemingly) if I could no longer use Dreamweaver to make updates to the few static webpages I still maintain. (Now, just my personal website and my “Tools for the TEKS” site.)

The question I’m unsure about, and am interested in feedback on, is if and how I should change my organizational structure for presentations and links on my vitae. In my current professional role, I am sharing a LOT of presentations as well as workshops, and I’m just not sure the best way to reflect these on my vitae. I want it to be comprehensive, but at the same time not overwhelming and overly complex– if that is possible.

Do you have thoughts on this question, or links to other vitaes which seem to do a good job organizing and sharing their presentations? My top models for online vitaes I would like to emulate are those by Larry Lessig, Miguel Guhlin, and Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach. (Sheryl’s is in PDF format.) Scott McLeod also has a vitae I like and have studied. (Scott’s is also a PDF.) I like the way John Seely Brown has organized his bio information into a homepage, a publications page, and a speaking page. My current personal website includes a bio page and then my vitae. Like Miguel and John, I’d like to have a LINKED vitae because I think that makes the document much more useful as well as informative.

Currently my vitae lists “Presentations” and “Workshops Taught.” I’m thinking maybe I need to break these down by year and list them chronologically. A topical listing, however, as John Seely Brown has done seems to be easier to understand and use. His page is not a true “vitae,” however, since a vitae is a comprehensive listing. I guess I need to stick with a comprehensive listing, since at some point I want to use my vitae to apply for a job as a professor. I think I shared around 75 presentations and workshops in 2007, and (as in the past) some of those were repeated, so I need to figure out the best way to list and share those.

Any thoughts or suggestions, as well as links to other examples, which you have along these lines will be appreciated!

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One response to “Vitae guidance on presentations?”

  1. Beth Ritter-Guth Avatar

    Hi Wes – I keep my vitae online at My plan (or at least my plan for a plan) is to hyperlink all the presentations with the sources creates on wikis/blogs/SlideShare/iTunes.

    I hope that helps!

    Beth R-G