Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Verify software is reputable and malware free before downloading

As my latest comment on my post “Convert WMV files to MOV free” from earlier this month indicates, it is VITAL all computer users verify the reliability and malware-free status of third-party, web-obtained computer programs they download, use, and recommend– especially when using Windows-based systems which are most prone to malware programs. I am NOT saying the latest program recommended on that post’s comment thread has malware or is bad (MelodyCan) but I am contending that I haven’t seen enough information yet to assure me the program is legitimate and worthy of recommendation.

If you have insights into these questions about MelodyCan (and are NOT affiliated/associated with the program, as the original comment recommender apparently is) please add your thoughts. 🙂

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One response to “Verify software is reputable and malware free before downloading”

  1. Paul Hamilton Avatar

    You raise an important point, Wes. Intuitively, I’ve always known that I need to run software myself before I recommend it. Maybe I’ve taken this need for granted as I work almost exclusively in a Windows environment. Your post has nudged me into making an effort to be more explicit about this on my own blog. Thanks!