Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast220V: Cleaning Up Downloaded Podcasts with Juice Receiver

This podcast is a short (3 min, 16 sec) screencast explaining how you can use free Juice Receiver software to quickly identify and clean up podcast channels that have more episodes than you want to keep, or episodes you’ve already watched / listened to. Juice Receiver can work in conjunction with iTunes, and when you “clean up” episodes in Juice Receiver those episodes can be automatically deleted from your iTunes library. I find Juice Receiver (in combination with PodNova) to be a wonderful way to manage my podcast channel subscriptions. This “clean up” feature is one of my favorites in Juice Receiver, and a primary reason I use this open source software. A larger version of this screencast is also available for download in the podcast shownotes.

Show Notes:

  1. A larger version of this screencast is also available (122 MB, the original and uncompressed screencast created with iShowU)
  2. Download and install the open source program Juice Receiver from Sourceforge.
  3. Download and install iTunes from Apple (free)
  4. PodNova
  5. My May 2007 post, “The joy of Juice Receiver and PodNova”
  6. iShowU (commercial screencast software I use)
  7. iSquint (free video compression software for iPod compatibility)

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4 responses to “Podcast220V: Cleaning Up Downloaded Podcasts with Juice Receiver”

  1. Dean Mattson Avatar
    Dean Mattson

    This weekend I played around with a new Mac application called ScreenFlow. It makes phenomenal use of 10.5 technologies that makes screencasts like the one you did here super easy and eye-catching. It’s a bit pricey, but I think it’s worth it to anyone that makes regular videos of this type.

  2. Tina Anderson Avatar

    Thanks for the information. I just got Screen Flow and I plan on doing some screencasts this weekend. It is a little costly but it seems it will be worth it.