Category: open source
Using ffWorks and FFmpeg for Video Compression
Almost every week on Wednesday nights I co-host “The EdTech Situation Room” (@edtechSR) webshow and podcast with my friend and fellow educator, Jason Neiffer (@techsavvyteach). My Thursday evening routine, therefore, usually includes post-production of the show so it’s shared on, with both audio and video archive versions linked from Amazon S3. In this post I’ll…
Lessons Learned with Website eBook eCommerce Continue (August 2018)
About 4 years ago, inspired by a local writer’s conference, I created a WordPress-powered website to independently sell digital copies of my books as well as offer a subscription-based video library of instructional how-to videos. I haven’t given that project much attention or “care and feeding” in awhile, since I transitioned to a new job…
16 Years of Web Hosting Changes with WordPress and Other Web Platforms: The Lessons Continue
This past December, I started the laborious and often stressful process of migrating my 40+ websites (mostly running WordPress) to a new web host. This time, I’m moving from a VPS (virtual private server) with to a VPS with LiquidWeb… I’m not done with this migration process, but I’m about halfway finished, and have reached…
WordPress OKC February 2017 Learning Points
This evening I had an opportunity to attend a monthly WordPress OKC Meetup (@okcwpug) for the first time in many months, and as always I learned a bunch of new things. I archived my Tweets from the evening, shared mostly with the hashtag #WPOKC, in a Storify archive, which I’ll embed below. After many years,…