Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Video Media Server RFP

Our Celebrate Oklahoma Voices project advisory council has officially released an RFP for a video/media server solution. This RFP is available as a public Google document. The deadline for response is 5 May 2008. (In two weeks.) Vendors wanting to respond are required to submit a screencast and 2 page product summary to our website, and a confidential price quotation to our technical sub-committee chair. Submitted screencasts and 1-2 page feature highlight documents will be publicly viewable on this Ning website. Price quotations will be submitted separately and kept confidential.

This video/media server will serve as the backend for our Celebrate Oklahoma Voices learning community, which is using a Ning site. For this reason, it is essential the solution can accept WMV and MOV files, transcode them into Flash format, and provide both permalinks and embed code which is Ning video compatible.

The following seven companies are being contacted by the chair of our project’s technical advisory sub-committee, to respond to this RFP. If you know of other companies which have video/media server solutions meeting the requirements of our RFP, please share these links with them and encourage them to respond by May 5th.

The functionality we are seeking with this media server solution is likely of interest to many folks, and for this reason we are utilizing an RFP response process which will permit submitted screencasts, product description links, and product feature summaries to be (and remain) public on our Ning RFP website.

  1. Podcast Producer with Episode Podcast
  2. Safari Montage
  3. VBrick
  4. MediaCast
  5. BrightCove
  6. CCC Video on Demand
  7. TeacherTube

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