Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Fix for Podpress and WordPress 2.6 compatibility issue

Thanks to James Lewin for his post “Plug-In Fixes PodPress Problem With WordPress 2.6” which alerted me to “The No Revisions WordPress Plugin.” I can personally confirm that this plug-in DOES fix PodPress functionality in WordPress 2.6.

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2 responses to “Fix for Podpress and WordPress 2.6 compatibility issue”

  1. Miguel Guhlin Avatar

    Thanks, Wes! I setup a WordPress 2.6 blog yesterday, and used you advice in this entry, as well as referred to your About page for other plugins to WordPress. You can see the fledgling blog at

    The “owners” will add their own content later, but I’m glad I was able to quickly set the blog up with the right plug-ins!


  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    Looks great Miguel. Good job!