Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Financial literacy web tools and curriculum from Shryk

I learned briefly today from Shane Kempton of Phase Two Interactive in Oklahoma City about several web-based tools and resources related to financial literacy which are of high interest to me as a parent and educator. I’m guessing these are also of interest to many others for similar reasons. Our students and children need to learn many lessons related to financial literacy. Simulations and projects can provide excellent contexts for authentic learning about personal financial responsibility, money management, effective use of credit, entrepreneurship, and other economic/financial topics.

Shryk, LLC has developed the “Banking 2.0” website which is:

a software platform that combines a sophisticated content delivery system and a unique incentive system, resulting in an immersive learning environment and providing a powerful tool in comparison to its “Online Banking 1.0” predecessors.

Current projects include:

  • iThryve, “an online banking platform” and “the first implementation of our Online Banking 2.0 concept.” iThryve is “built for young people ages 5 to 24 years old.”
  • wePro$per: “a community site that brings together parents, schools, financial institutions and sponsors together to teach our children.”

These projects by Shryk LLC were featured in San Francisco recently at the TechCrunch50 2008 conference. The company description of Skryk for TechCrunch 50 states:

Shryk has developed a new generation online banking platform that allows clients to build “flavors” of online bankings systems for discreet demographics. We have built versions for youth (5 to 11) teens (12 to 17) and young adults (18 to 24). These are the first real online banking systems for kids. We provide a strong emphasis on teaching financial literacy through the system, and have created a free Website for schools that gives them a simulated banking experience and all our financial literacy content. By doing this, we provide communities a way to create a path where kids can use our system in school with play money, and then move to banks and credit unions to open real money accounts. This allows schools, financial institutions, kids and their parents a single platform to that can dramatically improve financial literacy for the next generation. The next flavors that will be developed will be targeted as senior citizens, and the Spanish community.

This Ustream video from Shane’s presentation during the 2008 TechCrunch 50 conference provides an overview of the iThryve’s financial literacy program, website, and functionality:

Live Broadcasting by Ustream

I’m hoping to record a podcast interview about these web tools and curriculum with Shane later this fall.

What a great example of creative work by creative Oklahomans!

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