Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Mobile phone counseling for teachers from My Mobile Guru

Feeling like you can’t learn new tricks with educational technology tools at school? Do you know other teachers who have similar sentiments? Perhaps you can try and recommend some of the top ten downloads from the British site My Mobile Guru.

MobileGuru recommendations for stressed teachers

The following popular topics might be appropriate and needed at the next technology-related workshop or conference event you attend, or to just cope with the daily stresses of classroom teaching!

  1. I get so angry
  2. I’m too old to change
  3. I can’t wake up

I’m thinking the third suggestion above might be perfect for a few superintendents and school board members I know. 😉

Unfortunately these short audio downloads are not free, they cost £3.00 each. According to Google’s estimate with today’s exchange rate that is about $5.25 US. Seems a bit steep. But perhaps these audio messages ARE truly transformative? They could provide the missing ingredient needed to help get you and teachers you know on the right track with effective technology integration and digital learning strategies.

He Wishes
Creative Commons License photo credit: J?sé

I doubt it, however. 🙂

Thanks to Clark Boyd on The World Tech Podcast #211 for sharing this site. I’m thinking this would be good to share in my introductory keynote remarks next week at TechCon in Chicago.

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One response to “Mobile phone counseling for teachers from My Mobile Guru”

  1. Hannah Davis Avatar
    Hannah Davis

    I am not sure what I think about this site. There are good and bad things about it. I am about 50/50 on it. I think it is good for teachers to have somewhere to get specific advice. I do not like that they run around $5. That seems cheap, but would add up over time. It does help some teachers to become more technology savvy. It would be a big step for some to access the internet over a cell phone. The price still gets me in the end though. A lot of the time the advice is free.