Category: mobile

  • NFC Sticker Automation

    NFC Sticker Automation

    Here’s a geeky tale for you. We have an old Bluetooth stereo in our car that does not support CarPlay, and it irritatingly connects automatically to my iPhone in the mornings before school when I start the vehicle to warm it up. This evening I successfully configured a NFC sticker (37 cents each in a…

  • Storychasing Graduation

    This weekend, we traveled to Oklahoma City to celebrate our middle daughter Sarah’s college graduation. In this post, I’d like to share a little bit about my current workflow for using my iPhone to document and share important family events like this. “Storychasing” is a term I’ve been using for years, which refers to using…

  • Storychasing Live Events: A Guide

    In 2023, the digital software, tools, and connective infrastructure at our disposal have opened exciting avenues for documenting and sharing live events. This process, which I’ve called “Storychasing,” is the focus of today’s post. Prompted by a Facebook “friend of a friend” planning a school trip to Europe this summer, I intend to share some…

  • Fred’s Resurrected Interview

    It’s Spring Break for me this week, and I’m working on FINALLY finishing the “Pocket Share Jesus” book I’ve been working on VERY infrequently since 2010. As I was proofreading the “Audio Interviews” chapter today, I realized several audio recordings were missing from the “Family Oral History” page of our “Learning Signs” family learning blog.…

  • Conspiracy Theories, Apollo Moon Landings and SIFT 

    The last 3 days, Shelly and I have WONDERFUL learning and networking experiences attending the NASA 2022 Space Exploration Educators Conference (#SEEC2022) at Space Center Houston (@SpaceCenterHou). For the past two years, I’ve taught a media literacy unit to my 6th graders called, “Froot Loop Conspiracy Theories,” focusing on the Apollo Moon landings, YouTubers who…

  • Rediscovering 10 Year Old Deleted Podcast Files

    Have you ever discovered an old shoebox of family photos? That experience can feel like striking gold, from the perspective of preserving precious family memories. This was my experience tonight, discovering that many (maybe all) of my iPhone audio recordings from 10+ years ago on the (now defunct / offline) website were backed up…

  • Your Seminary Needs Digital and Media Literacy Instruction

    I am enjoying the opportunity to teach adult Sunday School (again) at our church this year, and utilize Francis Collins‘ (@NIHDirector) book, “The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief” as our initial course text for our class titled, “Curiosity and Questions: Jesus and Science.” This week in preparing for our lesson and…

  • 8 Months of Android: Lessons Learned (Part 2)

    In November 2017, I shocked my family and many friends by switching from an iPhone to an Android smartphone. It’s been a good experiment, but I’ve been missing iOS and an iPhone for multiple reasons. Later today I’m throwing in the towel and purchasing a used iPhone 6+ for $120 from a relative. If it…

  • Podcast461: Instructional Coaching, Middle School French Class and Explain Everything for iPad

    Welcome to episode 461 of Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer, from March 18, 2018. This podcast features an introductory overview about instructional coaching and technology integration coaching specifically, drawing on the author’s experiences in this role with teachers since the late 1990s. In addition to defining instructional coaching, keys to successful…

  • Things I Learned Traveling to Egypt

    The past few days I had an opportunity to travel to Cairo, Egypt, to present and participate in the 2017 EduForum Conference and also do a little sightseeing. Since sharing my second TEDx talk in November 2016, “Digital Citizenship in the Surveillance State,” I’ve continued to read and research about data privacy issues especially as…