Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Oklahoma 2008 Veteran’s Day Videoconference

What is this? A videoconference scheduled for 11 November 2008 from 9 – 11:30 am CST for students, teachers, and U.S. military veterans to share their experiences as participants in the Celebrate Oklahoma Voices project. Presenters will be past and current participants in the COV oral history project or similar oral history projects. Participants do NOT have to have any prior experiences with Veteran oral history interviews. This is a great opportunity to recognize military veterans and learn more about their sacrifices and experiences on the day our nation celebrates Veteran’s Day.

Who can participate? Any K-20 school is welcome to participate, but priority will be given to Oklahoma schools if we receive large numbers of requests. We anticipate connecting 6-8 schools via H.323 videoconferencing equipment and a maximum of 30-40 schools via a webcast/webstream.

Who is organizing and sponsoring this event? The Oklahoma Heritage Association is the lead partner of the Celebrate Oklahoma Voices project and is facilitating this event in cooperation with Tandberg and project participants.

How can our school submit a participation request? Complete our online Google form. The form will remain open through October 31st, but we anticipate making selections for sites by October 23rd, so please submit it as soon as possible.

More information about this event is available on this published Google Document as well as in a PDF file. Please forward this information to other educators who may be interested in this videoconference/webcast learning opportunity.

If you have questions and comments you can also add these to the forum announcement post on our learning community website.

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