Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Explaining Connectivist Learning Opportunities via video

This Lee LeFever / Commoncraft Show style 5 minute video by Wendy Drexler paints a descriptive picture of how students can learn in a connectivist style, and the role of the teacher in this new learning landscape.

Near the close of the video, Wendy uses the following terms to describe the role of the teacher in a Connectivist learning paradigm:

What is a 21st Century Teacher?

  1. Learning Architect
  2. Modeler
  3. Learning Concierge
  4. Connected Learning Incubator
  5. Network Sherpa
  6. Synthesizer
  7. Change Agent

I love these terms, particularly the use of architect, concierge and sherpa to describe the facilitative leadership role of the 21st century teacher.

If you are not already subscribed to Wendy Drexler’s blog, “Teach Web 2.0,” I highly recommend you add it to your aggregator. The Teach Web 2.0 Wiki she helped start and continues to shepherd is a fantastic resource for teachers, offering a wide variety of teacher-created reviews of different web 2.0 tools and websites useful in classroom learning contexts. For a short (12 minute) summary of the website and how you can utilize it to form a local “web 2.0 consortium” at your school with other teachers, check out Wendy’s K12Online08 presentation in the Leading the Change strand, “Teaching Web 2.0 – Everything you need in one place.”

Thanks to Wendy, this morning on my way to work I learned about Museum Box, a site providing:

..the tools for you to build up an argument or description of an event, person or historical period by placing items in a virtual box.

This chain of connected learning began for me this morning thanks to K12Online08 in the palm of my hand!

K12Online08 in the palm of my hand

Thanks Wendy!

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