Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

AudioBoo will upload over EDGE

I drafted my daughters to record some audio reflections using the free iPhone application AudioBoo this evening, after we had enjoyed some exciting new things at the annual Medieval Fair in Norman, Oklahoma.

Rachel shared some thoughts about her camel ride:

Sarah recapped of the evening’s highlights from her point of view:

I was glad to see AudioBoo CAN successfully upload audio over the slower AT&T EDGE network, which my 1st generation iPhone uses when I’m not in a WiFi hotspot area. Previously I’d just used AudioBoo over WiFi. As expected the audio upload time was a LOT longer, but it did work fine. Keep in mind AudioBoo currently limits recordings to a maximum of 3 minutes.

For more on audio recording to the web, see my ISTEconnects post from yesterday, “Publishing Audio At Will.” For more on our exciting evening in Norman, see my Learning Signs post, “Videos from the Medieval Festival in Norman” as well as my Flickr set of photos and videos. I just love flash-based camcorders!

The girls with a man on stilts

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