Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Help make EduBloggerCon09 fantastic: Join the live conversation Saturday!

I’d like to invite you to join Steve Hargadon and I tomorrow (Saturday, April 11, 2009) to discuss issues and ideas surrounding EduBloggerCon09 and the “BarCamp” model in the Classroom 2.0 LIVE Elluminate room, at 9am Pacific / 10am Mountain / 11am Central / 12pm Eastern / 5pm GMT. Visit Classroom 2.0 Live for more information.

EduBloggerCon 2008

How can we, as a community, make EduBloggerCon09 the best and most valuable learning experience it can be for all participants? Let’s put our heads together on this one. I’m sure we can create a great event at this year’s NECC!

For more background, please see my ISTEconnects post from earlier this evening, “EduBloggerCon09 and the BarCamp model,” as well as Steve’s post from today, “Blowing the Doors off NECC 2009.” Steve’s post is not only about EduBloggerCon but also NECC Live / NECC Unplugged, which will likely be combined this year. Also, I’d recommend reading up on the “BarCamp” participatory event model via WikiPedia. The proposal we’ll be discussing is embracing the BarCamp model for EduBloggerCon. It’s a successful “unconference” model that’s worked in numerous other venues. Check out the BarCamp wiki for more info about the model as well as upcoming BarCamps around the world which you can attend. If you have doubts about creative people’s willingness to share great ideas, the BarCamp global hCalendar (which is subscribable via iCal) may dispel those perceptions! (Help on hCalendar is also available.) Next weekend, for example (April 17-18) there are BarCamps in:

  1. Ilmenau, Germany
  2. Almaty, Kazakhstan
  3. Madison, Wisconsin, USA
  4. Orlando, Florida, USA
  5. Rochester, New York, USA

Hope you can join our Elluminate conversation tomorrow and contribute to this important dialog!

Hat tip to James Deaton for first introducing me to the BarCamp model, and Joe Corbett for providing Steve and I with ideas and resources related to BarCamp implementation.

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