When I visited New Zealand at the end of February 2009 for the Learning@School conference, I met Mr W00dy and we came up with a rather creative project idea. It seems we both have young daughters who love cooking, and would like to share their cooking with others. Why not start an International Cooking Show, we thought?
Last night, my 8 year old recorded episode #1 of the ICS, demonstrating how to cook banana bread from a recipe she found online. I recorded this using my Sony GC1 Net Sharing Cam, and Sarah edited the final video (6 min, 56 sec) herself using iMovie ’09. This was Sarah’s first experience to use iMovie and she found it (of course) exceptionally easy to use. She created a song with “magic Garageband” and used it as background in her movie for the mixing sequences which she sped up. (Garageband includes royalty-free loops, so songs you create with the program can be shared legally online with others.)
Nice work Sarah! I uploaded the video to EduBlogs.tv for her. (For free) It’s posted both on our family learning blog and on the International Cooking Show wiki.
Do you have budding chefs in your home or school who might be interested in contributing a video recipe to the ICS project? Feel free to join us, and invite others to do the same!
Technorati Tags:
banana, bread, cook, cooking, video, wiki, project, collaboration