Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

A Slidecast on Designing School 2.0

I’ve added a mp3 audio recording to my previously posted Slideshare of my eTechOhio09 keynote, “Reinventing Education for the 21st Century (Designing School 2.0.)” I used the provided, web-based syncrhonization tools on SlideShare to sync my slides with the audio, so this presentation is now available as a “Slidecast.”

Given the three formats in which this presentation is now available online, for free (Slidecast, audio-only podcast, and video podcast on iTunesU Ohio) I’d suggest the Slidecast is the most valuable format. I don’t think it’s really all that helpful to watch my presentation in video format, compared to the ability to watch my slides advance as I present. Content is king– and while it might be nice to watch the presenter speak (I’m glad I wore a tie for that preso!) I don’t know that the video of my presentation really adds a great deal to the educative potential of the recorded keynote.

File size is also a big issue as well in this comparison. The iTunesU Ohio video podcast weighs in at 498 MB for 82 minutes. (It includes the full introductory remarks which kicked off the conference before my keynote began.) The audio-only podcast weighs in at 14.2 MB for 62 minutes. That is JUST my introduction and presentation, with most of the “turn / pair / share” time edited out. The mp3 audio file I used for the Slidecast is just a little smaller, around 14 MB, since it didn’t include introductory remarks at all.

I love Slideshare, and think it’s a wonderful tool which teachers and instructors at secondary as well as college / university levels should be embracing much more widely. I wish the sync tool let you sync slides closer than 17 seconds apart, but that is about my only complaint regarding Slideshare. It’s a great tool, and one I’ll be sharing with teachers in Alabama this June when I present a full-day workshop for Gadsden City Schools on how to get started with classroom podcasting.

All the referenced resources, videos, links, etc. for this presentation are available on my PBwiki curriculum page for eTechOhio09.

To learn how to create your own Slidecast on SlideShare, check out the Slidecast FAQs. The process is not fast (if you have an hour long presentation, it takes more than an hour to completely sync your slides) but it is straightforward, web-based (and therefore cross-platform) and completely FREE!!!

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2 responses to “A Slidecast on Designing School 2.0”

  1. jclarkevans Avatar

    I like slideshare too. I used it this year to post ppt that my sophomores made on the British Romantic poets. It was a great lesson in developing effective slides. Next year I’ll add the audio component too.

  2. Marsha Ratzel Avatar

    I was glad to read this post. I’m busy trying to create my grad school class…and I am not sure which way to go with all the options.

    If I want to do something like this Slidecast, I have been encouraged to use Garageband. Upgrade the podcast to an enhanced podcast where I make each PPT slide into a jpg and embed them into each chapter of the podcast.

    The resulting file size is huge. It’s a monster on my computer and I just don’t know which is best. So thanks for this option…maybe it will be better and upload onto my Moodle course better.