Thanks a tweet I learned today about “The National Summit on 21st Century Skills” scheduled for June 12, 2009, in Washington D.C., and the “Cyber Summit on 21st Century Skills,” scheduled for June 1st-12th. The Cyber Summit is a free event held online, and will provide opportunities for insight and input into the face-to-face national summit later in the month and prior to NECC at the end of June.
My home state, Oklahoma, is not currently a member of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, and I’d love to support both membership of our state in this organization as well as advocate further for 21st century skill emphasis in our schools and communities. Our 3 year-old Celebrate Oklahoma Voices project and Storychasers organization both provide tangible ways to advance 21st century skills for both educators and students. Given these contexts, I’m intrigued to learn more about “21st Century Oklahoma:”
…a community of educators, parents, students, and other stakeholders seeking to ensure that our children are equipped to be successful citizens and leaders in the world they are about to enter. That world is a very different place than it was even ten years ago, and the skills needed to survive and thrive have evolved as well. In an era where the amount of technical information doubles every two years, it is no longer practical or useful to hope students will acquire enough basic content knowledge to get by. Far more important are the ability to find information, validate it, analyze it, synthesize it, and repurpose it (often collaboratively) for their needs.
This online community is a resource for anyone looking to better understand what we refer to as 21st century skills, and a central voice calling for the formal adoption of those skills as an essential and required element of learning for Oklahoma’s public schools.
This website and initiative is being spearheaded by Joshua Williams. Follow the project on Twitter @21stCOK.
Expecting as we are the imminent release of Oklahoma’s portion of the $90.9 billion of ARRA funds designated for education, it is certainly an exciting as well as opportune time to be advocating for 21st century skills in Oklahoma.
The upcoming National Cyber Summit will offer a variety of both live events as well as asynchronous conversation opportunities.
Consider joining in the conversations. The tag “#p21cs” is recommended for the event, for tweets and blog posts.
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#p21cs, summit, partnership, cyber, 21stcentury, skills