Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

iPhone GS Black Screen During Calls Mystery Solved

Ever since I upgraded from the original iPhone to the iPhone GS, I have had a big problem that’s been very irritating. After I made a phone call, if I did not use the headset or the speakerphone mode, the display would turn off and could not be turned back on during the call no matter what buttons I pushed. The screen turned off right after I took the phone away from my face when speaking directly into it at my ear. I thought it was a software glitch, and assumed Apple would fix it when new iPhone firmware was released. After updating to iPhone firmware 3.0.1 today, however, the problem continued.

This sent me on a quest for another answer, and thanks to this Apple support forum post I learned the light sensor in the iPhone GS is to blame, along with my first generation iPhone rubber case. The light sensor at the top of the phone was being covered by my old case, and this caused my irritating screen shut-off problems. I love my case, since it includes a spot to wrap my headphones on the back when I am not using them. By using some scissors tonight, I was able to trim the rubber covering of my iPhone case tonight and solve this problem! The photos below show the “before” and “after” views of the top front of my case. No duct tape required, just scissors! 🙂

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