I’m sitting in the airport in Salt Lake City, Utah, enjoying both the view out the window and a fantastic laptop work booth Delta airlines provides here for wired travelers. I’m enroute to the 21st Century Learning @ Hong Kong 2009 conference, which starts later this week.
My neighbor wasn’t too sure about the propriety of me snapping a photo of our work area, apparently. 🙂 This second photograph demonstrates the value of the “touch the screen where you want to focus and define the image exposure” of my iPhone GS. With an older phone, this image foreground would probably have been ridiculously underexposed.
As I did last year, I will be sharing some free professional development sessions through the Tandberg Connections program. As I’ve been waiting for my flight in Salt Lake, I’ve been working on my upcoming offerings. These workshops are offered free to any school group, worldwide, who has purchased Tandberg videoconferencing equipment and is eligible to participate in Connections. These are the five sessions I’ve proposed for the 2009 – 2010 school year:
Monday Nov 23: 10 – 11 am CST
Digital Storytelling on a Shoestring
Wed Dec 2: 3:30 – 4:30 pm CST
Introduction to Twitter
Tue Jan 5: 2:30 – 3:30 pm CST
Powerful Ingredients for Blended Learning (Part 1 of 2)
Thur Feb 18: 2:30 – 3:30 pm CST
Hyperlinked Writing
Wed Apr 7: 3:30 – 4:30 pm
Intro to Educational Podcasting
These are all sessions I have listed currently as a “content provider” on the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC) website.
It feels really strange, in a way, to pick dates and times like this for schools who might be interested in a free professional development workshop about technology integration offered via H.323 videoconferencing, so many months in advance. We are living in an increasingly “learn on demand” world, but school professional development doesn’t work that way in many cases. It feels like I’m living in two different worlds of learning and sharing, in some ways.
An audio recording of my July 2009 videoconference for Tandberg Connections, “Powerful Ingredients for Blended Learning (Ingredients 1 – 5)” is available as a free podcast. It’s been downloaded about 1200 times to date, as of this writing. I continue to be amazed by the power of asynchronously shared professional development content relative to live, “this date and time” workshops shared either face-to-face or via video. Both are valuable and have their place. The potential reach and impact of asynchronously shared content generally far-oustrips synchronously shared content, however.
Once this schedule of free videoconferences is approved and finalized, eligible schools should be able to sign up for these via the Tandberg Connections website after logging in.
I’m again starting to use the free website (still in beta) RSScalendar to share my upcoming presentations and workshops. I’ll likely add this again to my blog sidebar sometime soon. All my session handouts and links (wherever or however I share presentations and workshops) are available on the page linked at the top of my blog as, “Handouts.”
Technorati Tags:
cilc, digitalstorytelling, education, learning, podcast, podcasting, tandberg, teacher, technology, twitter, videoconference, web2, web20, workshop
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