Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Why aren’t we using the real world?

Great cartoon.

Real world

Via Whelmed and Tomaz Lasic.

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3 responses to “Why aren’t we using the real world?”

  1. Dave Avatar

    This is so true. I try to run my class as if I were still an engineering manager or as a college professor (to a point) to help students see what things are like. The problem is that schools give students too many second chances, are not strict enough, and do not really prepare students for college/work because of the way schools are run. We are doing a disservice to our students by not running things more like college/jobs are run to help prepare them.

  2. Andy Avatar

    because it is blocked?

  3. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    yep, in many cases. I hope to be a part of some concerted efforts to address that at multiple levels in 2010, here in Oklahoma and elsewhere…