Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

CSS Global Worldview Survey – Please help out!

Students and teachers at the Calgary Science School (CSS) in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, have created a Global Worldview Survey, and invite you to participate.

The grade 8 students at CSS are currently working on a large scale project dealing with the concept of WORLDVIEW, part of the Grade 8 curriculum in Alberta.  As part of their study of worldview, the students have created a survey – with the hope of creating a picture of different people’s worldview from around the world.

The survey has just 19 questions, and took me only 3.5 minutes to thoughtfully complete. (All questions are multiple choice.)

Neil Stephenson is a teacher at CSS, and invited me to visit with some of their students last month over Skype as they started this project. Neil asked me to share this, and I’m glad to do so. More information about how the students worked to design these questions is also available.

Please take a few minutes and complete the survey! I’m sure they’ll be sharing the results on their school blog, which is the CSS “Professional Learning Journal.” 🙂

On the topic of global perspectives, also remember the blog Global Voices Online is a great resource to utilize for bringing diverse global perspectives and voices into your classroom on a daily basis!

global voices online conference attendee photos in India

Kudos to the students and teachers at CSS for embarking on this project, and being willing to share their results with the world!






One response to “CSS Global Worldview Survey – Please help out!”

  1. Neil Stephenson Avatar

    Wes – thanks so much for supporting our students in yet another way! It’s greatly appreciated – both from me and our kids. Thanks for writing this post so quickly.
    All the best!