Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Find your iTunes App Library on Appolicious and Share your iPhone Apps

Thanks to some just-in-time Twitter assistance from Lucy Gray this evening, I was able to use the Appolicious App Library Builder to automatically build a sharable and ratable list of our family’s installed iPhone Applications for FREE. Previously I’ve taken screenshots within iTunes using Skitch and saved them to a Google Site, but Appolicious is MUCH better since it allows you to rate apps and makes recommendations, similar to the way NetFlix works. When you view someone’s App library on Appolicious, apps are sorted by how the user ranked them (5 bars is the best) and then alphabetically.

wfryer's App Library | Appolicious ™ iPhone App Directory

The real key to getting this working was finding my “iTunes App Library.” Per Lucy’s directions, I navigated in my iTunes library (path on a Mac: Users, Username, Music) and pointed to the folder “Mobile Applications,” as shown in the screenshot below.

Find App Library Folder for Appolicious

The main problem with sharing this screenshot with you is now you’re probably wondering how I could have songs by Mr. Mister, Motley Crue, Michael W. Smith, and Myra, all in the same iTunes library! Well, our family’s eclectic music tastes will have to be the topic of another post….. 🙂

Give Appolicious a try, and if you do please share your apps with me so I can check out your picks!!

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2 responses to “Find your iTunes App Library on Appolicious and Share your iPhone Apps”

  1. Shara Karasic Avatar

    Wesley, thank you for checking out Appolicious! Glad you enjoy.


    Shara Karasic
    Twitter: appolicious
    Create curated app list here: