Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

K12 Online Echo Webcast TONIGHT with Brian Crosby!

If you’re not familiar with elementary educator Brian Crosby, you should be. Brian is one of the most passionate educators I know, and he also happens to be one of the most digitally savvy and connected teachers around. Brian’s blog is “Learning Is Messy,” and he was a speaker for the 2008 K-12 Online Conference. His presentation, “Video-Conferencing It’s Easy, Free and Powerful” is one of the best introductions to videoconferencing I’ve seen to date, and is a favorite recommendation of mine to share with teachers interested in using tools like Skype in the classroom. In week 14 of my “Technology 4 Teachers” undergraduate course this past semester, I shared Brian’s video “Inclusion” with my students to introduce them to the potential power of videoconferencing. If you haven’t seen that video, check it out. It’s a “MUST see.”

Brian was also a keynote speaker for K-12 Online in 2007, and shared the superb presentation, “The Why’s and Wherefores.” His work with Skype and videoconferencing was mentioned by Silvia Tolisano in her fantastic K12Online09 presentation, “Around the World with Skype.” That’s another great presentation to recommend to educators interested in the use of synchronous conferencing technologies with students.

This evening (if you’re in North America) Brian will be answering questions and backchannel chatting LIVE with an audience about his 2008 K12Online presentation about videoconferencing in another FREE K-12 Online Conference “Echo Webcast,” hosted by Susan van Gelder and the EdTechTalk Network.

K12 Online Echo Webcast

The fun beings online LIVE in the EdTechTalk Studio at 7 pm CST. Use this matrix to determine the start time in your local area. Please join us! 🙂 After a short intro we’ll watch Brian’s presentation LIVE over Ustream and backchannel about it, and then Susan and Brian will engage in a discussion about his presentation and the ideas he’s put forward.

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