Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Public Schools Are Not Businesses – Why Educational Sharing Matters

If you have access to a phone and can use it, you can readily publish audio online for FREE as a podcast using iPadio. Your students can as well. This process is called “phonecasting.” Tuesday I recorded a 23 minute phonecast using iPadio on my iPhone, continuing my review of Diane Ravitch’s new book, “The Death and Life of the Great American School System.” Yesterday I shared the post, “Schools must be data informed: NOT data driven,” and on May 2nd posted, “NCLB was designed to define public schools as failures.” Both of those posts included quotations and reflections on Ravitch’s ideas in her book as well. The topic of this phonecast was, “Public Schools Are Not Businesses – Why Educational Sharing Matters.”

While the audio quality of this phonecast was not fantastic relative to the “normal” quality I’m used to in recording podcasts, it definitely is passable and is remarkable since it was completely recorded and web-posted AUTOMATICALLY, for FREE, using a cell phone. If you have not checked out iPadio as a podcasting / phonecasting solution, you should. If you have a phone and can use it, you can create web-based podcasts using iPadio.

iPadio and Posterous are now my two favorite websites / web tools to recommend to teachers which facilitate idea sharing and publishing. If you can send an email message with an attachment, you can web-post using Posterous including images, audio files, and videos. Two of my posts today, “When student published videos go viral: Lessons Learned” and “Cook Time with Remmi (9 year old from Tulsa, OK)” were shared using Posterous. Posterous supports cross-posting of content to other blogs, Twitter, Flickr, etc. Posterous is ideal for sharing from mobile devices like iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads.

iPadio and Posterous: Simple and powerful publishing. I love them!

H/T to Karen Montgomery and Darren Kuropatwa for initially commending these web tools to me.

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