Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Tell A Story in 5 Photos for Educators: S’mores!

If you’ve never been camping and enjoyed s’mores, add that to your bucket list. Here’s my latest contribution to the “Tell A Story in 5 Photos for Educators” Flickr group, using a few images from our family adventures in the Pecos wilderness the past few days.






While our family DOES own some wire marshmallow roasting sticks, which make the process of cooking s’mores a bit easier, we are definitely NOT going to invest $13 a pop on Spinmallow electric rotating sticks. We saw these for sale today in Pecos, New Mexico. Perhaps something like this appeals to campers who yearn for something electronic in their hands, when they leave the remote control at home, but personally I think this is ridiculous.


$13 for this?

I’ll be sharing a few more photos and videos from our recent trip to New Mexico amidst other slides, stories, and ideas this week in Canyon ISD, Texas. Consider using the “tell a story in 5 photos” lesson idea with your own students this year – It’s a great way to emphasize digital literacy and visual storytelling. My s’more contribution this evening makes the 70th example in our Flickr group, which you’re welcome to join!

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3 responses to “Tell A Story in 5 Photos for Educators: S’mores!”

  1. John Maklary Avatar

    Hey Wes, what campground did you stay at in the Pecos? My wife and her family have been camping up at Jack’s Creek for over 40 years. We went there last year and will be there again next summer. There’s nothing like it. We go hang out at the Terrero general store and eat ice cream and talk to the hummingbirds. Very peaceful place. Love to hear more about your experience. Here is a link to our summer vacation last year….

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    We were going to stay at Holy Ghost, but it closed down Aug 9th for a bathroom upgrade! We wanted to camp by the river, so we stayed at Terrero just outside the entrance to Holy Ghost. We missed having a campground host (things were ridiculously loud till 5 am on Saturday night) but we had a great spot right by the river. I posted a bit more over on Learning Signs, including a photo of our campsite.

    We love Jack’s Creek too! We camped there last about 5 years ago. We went up and took in the scenery on this visit, and I snapped a few Panos.

    Panoramic photo at Jack's Creek

    Panorama at Jack's Creek Campground, Pecos Wilderness, New Mexico

    Thanks for sharing your link, I’ll check it out! Being disconnected in the mountains this year was a beautiful thing!

  3. John Maklary Avatar

    That’s why we try to avoid the area on weekends…. too many party hounds from Santa Fe and Albuquerque. Love the panos of Jack’s Creek. I really want to be there right now!