Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

8th grade Oklahoma students in Del City get Macbook laptops #ok1to1

The two minute video on Oklahoma City’s Channel 5 website, “Grant Provides Laptops for Students,” shares information about the exciting rollout of Macbook laptops in August 2010 to 8th graders at Del Crest Middle School in Del City, Oklahoma. Dr. Don Wilson, the director of instructional technology for MidDel Schools, is among those interviewed during the segment.

Grant Provides Laptops For Students - Video - KOCO Oklahoma City

You can read more about the the planning and rollout of the 1:1 laptop project at Del Crest by reading Don’s post from June on the Storychaser’s Mobile Learning blog, “Enhanced 1:1 Learning Management.” If you’re an educator at a 1:1 school or in a 1:1 district and would like to contribute a post to this team blog, instructions are available on the site’s about page. We have 19 other schools around Oklahoma rolling out laptops this fall to students and teachers as part of an ARRA TitleIID grant program administered by the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Laptops for Mid-Del’s project at Del Crest were funded through federal Title I funds allocated by the district.

On June 4th, many 1:1 educators in Oklahoma converged on Crescent High School to learn from their teachers who have been using laptops with students for several years. See the following posts from that day for more info and background:

  1. Welcome to Crescent PS: Teaching in a 1:1 Laptop Environment
  2. Jim Askew on Individualized Online Curriculum and Transforming Learning
  3. Teaching English in a 1:1 Classroom by Julie Cook
  4. From Lesson Plans to Online Curriculum by Jim Askew (Amazing open Chemistry curriculum)
  5. Cross-Curricular Teaching (Electives/Core) in a 1:1 Environment
  6. Tried and True Tips for Working in the 1:1 Environment

The news of new Macbook rollouts in Oklahoma reminds me of October 6, 2004 in Floydada, Texas. 🙂

Hopefully we’ll see more mainstream media coverage of Oklahoma’s 1:1 learning projects in the months ahead, as well as more blog posts like Don’s on the Storychasers Mobile Learning Blog and elsewhere. If you’re a 1:1 educator, where’s your platform for publishing and sharing? If you don’t have one now, you need to set one up soon and USE it!

View 1:1 K-12 Schools in a larger map

H/T to Don Wilson for letting me know about the KOCO video.

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