Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Pocket Informant for iPad Google Calendar Sync

My sister and brother in law use Pocket Informant HD for their Google calendars and love it. Like MobileMe for Google Calendar, but less expensive. Supports full editing as well as viewing of shared Google calendars. $6.99.

Sent from my iPad

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2 responses to “Pocket Informant for iPad Google Calendar Sync”

  1. Scott S. Floyd Avatar

    Will it do all of the calendars in one Google or Google Apps account? That is the problem with the native Calendar app. It only does the first calendar and the rest are left off.

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    I’m pretty sure it does all the calendars in the same account. My sister showed it to me and she had a LOT of subscriptions. I haven’t tried it personally yet, however.

    I fixed the link on this post too, btw. Earlier I had the link for the Discovery: Wikipedia app by CoolIris by mistake.