Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Merge PDF files (for free) with PDFsam

PDFsam is a free, open source software program which permits users to both merge and split PDF files.

Merging PDF files with pdfsam

After downloading and running PDFsam, to merge separate PDF files into a single document:

  1. Click Merge/Extract under the Plugins menu in the left sidebar.
  2. Click the ADD button in the upper right corner of the program and navigate to each separate PDF file you want to combine. Add these to the file queue. They will be shown in the center of the program window.
  3. Specify the desired destination file name at the bottom of the window.
  4. Click RUN in the lower right corner.

I’ve previously used CombinePDFs to merge PDF files, but that application is now commercial and just allows for users to combine up to 1000 pages free before the program must be purchased. Since PDFsam is open source it’s entirely free to use without restrictions.

Mac OS 10.6 permits users to merge PDFs directly using the Preview application. This support document from Apple explains how.

Do you have other favorite, free ways to merge / combine PDF files? One think I do NOT know how to do, and would love to learn, is how to add sequential page numbers to a combined PDF file. Is there a free program which will do this, on either the Mac or Windows platforms?

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