Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

WordPress 3.01 Export Problems

Warning: This is a geeky WordPress call for help!

Anyone have suggestions for how to successfully export posts from WordPress 3.01? This feature isn’t working as advertised for me. I’m wanting to export just posts in 1 category so I can import feeds into BookBrewer. I can’t use just my site feed, even for the category I want, because there are 347 posts in the category. WordPress 3.0 ostensibly supports exporting in advanced ways, for specified date ranges and for single categories. My export works fine for my oldest posts, in 2003 – 2005, but not anything newer. Any other exports I try don’t yield any post content, just what looks like post tags or categories. I’ve read a few posts (here and here) that there’s a reported bug with WordPress 3.0 exporting, and I’ve tried some workarounds, but nothing has helped.

I’m not sure if I have a corruption in my database or if this is a problem with the WordPress export feature. I’m inclined to think the problem is with my database. I’ve repaired and optimized in pHpMyAdmin, and even installed my WordPress locally with MAMP and a downloaded backup of my mySQL database. (It took me a ridiculously long time to figure this out because of the need to change the site URL and password issues, but I finally did it.)

All of this to no avail.

If you have any suggestions I’d love to hear them.

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3 responses to “WordPress 3.01 Export Problems”

  1. David Avatar

    Quick question: Did your locally installed version of your blog work? Ie, was all content in your locally installed database?

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    The locally installed version seems to work ok, the dashboard lets me search fine. I installed the older 2.9 version and was able to export a full archive, but it’s 35 MB in size and large to work with. My Feed4All app has trouble validating it as an XML feed.

    I installed the latest beta version of WP but it didn’t work for a category and date limited export either.

  3. vickie Avatar

    Sorry I can’t help but am having the same problem 🙁 If I find a solution I’ll post