If you are an Oklahoma voter, take 17 minutes and listen to this audio podcast. Tomorrow on November 2, 2010, Oklahoma voters will go the polls and have an opportunity to approve State Question 744. SQ 744 is a proposed amendment to the Oklahoma Constitution which would require the legislature to allocate to education at LEAST the average amount of funds allocated by our surrounding six states. Currently, Oklahoma is WAY behind our neighboring states and in national comparisons for education spending. In this podcast, Walton Robinson explains the background of SQ 744 and responds to several common questions which people are raising about this proposal. Walton is the communications director for the Yes to 744 campaign. According to Walton, there are over $5.6 billion in tax giveaways in the current Oklahoma budget. Some of those tax credits, for the elderly and for veterans, should be maintained. Many others, however, represent pork projects which benefit only narrow special interests. SQ 744 does not mandate a tax increase, but leaves it up to the Oklahoma legislature to determine funding mechanisms. Walton responds to the “no accountability” charge of 744 opponents, explaining that the EXISTING “Office of Oversight and Accountability” in the State Department of Education will be responsible for reporting on and auditing the increased educational spending mandated by 744. Those opposing 744 are supporting the status quo for education in Oklahoma, and as Walton explains they do NOT have an alternative plan. Walton also explains why the Oklahoma lottery has NOT helped Oklahoma students, teachers and schools, because the legislature chose to SUPPLANT rather than SUPPLEMENT educational funding levels after the lottery went into effect. After listening to this podcast, I hope you will be even more resolved to vote YES for State Question 744 and will explain to others why the students in our state deserve the equitable funding provided by this state Constitutional amendment.
Show Notes:
- My post: “The BackStory of Oklahoma State Question 744” (28 Oct 2010)
- YES on 744 (main website)
- Oklahoma Polling Place Locator Search
- Yes on 744 (Twitter)
- Yes on 744 (FaceBook)
- Yes on 744 (YouTube)
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