Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

How many screens at Thanksgiving?

This Thanksgiving holiday when we took a family Christmas card photo, I asked everyone to hold their smart phone, iPod or iPad. I’ve been very aware of the proliferation of mobile, wireless devices during our holiday get-togethers, and this year (as I expected) there were more screens present than ever.

Thanksgiving with our devices

Did you notice more mobile screens around your house this week for Thanksgiving? (If you didn’t celebrate Thanksgiving, how about the last family holiday get-together?) Did those screens interfere with social interaction around the house, or seem to enable everyone to be more connected with others in different places as well as those present in person? I think everyone at our house did a good job balancing the opportunity to spend time together (without screens) and the opportunity to be online / be connected with others. Of course our kids aren’t on Facebook or Twitter yet. This is something we’ll continue to discuss and work on. “The digital temptation of the screen.” It exterts a powerful influence on us!

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2 responses to “How many screens at Thanksgiving?”

  1. billy hull Avatar
    billy hull

    Thanks Wes! How is Wildcat! I hope you had a good time with all the family.

  2. Tom Fryer Avatar

    Wildcat is doing well. Hope you are too!