Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Watching Live Bowl Games on MobiTV

MobiTV is a application for smartphones which permits users, for a subscription fee, to watch live television including college football bowl games this week on ESPN.

The app itself is free, however a subscription fee ($12.99 for 1 month minimum) must be paid to view content including ESPN Live.

I was surprised I was NOT asked to re-enter my iTunes password to make this in-app purchase. If you download this app to your iPhone and let your kids use it, beware, these can be large in-app purchases to make on purpose or accidentally! Users are prompted to confirm purchases but don’t have to enter an account password.

The app is NOT available currently for the iPad, just for iPhone. Since we don’t get ESPN at home on our current DishTV “el cheapo” plan, $13 seems reasonable to pay for access to many of this week’s college bowl games.

I’ve known television was coming to my cell phone. Today for the first time, since we live in an AT&T 3G service area, it has. Waiting at the Vet for a report on our oldest golden retriever (who is now hospitalized with “pancreatitis”) it was great to get to watch the first half of the KSU v Syracuse game from Yankee Stadium.

As you might expect, the picture quality looks even better over a higher speed wifi connection (now that I’m home) but I am pleased with the 3G streaming quality also.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone




