Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Time Tracking (time sheet) App for iPhone

I have needed an application for my iPhone for quite awhile which helps me keep track of time spent working on different projects and submitting reports for the time I work. As with most apps today, there are several options to consider for time tracking and logging. To find available options, I first searched Appolicious for “time sheet” applications. I considered which applications listed were owned by Appolicious users, and looked directly at the iTunes ratings for different apps. When apps have a large number of ratings with a high average, that’s generally a good sign. App ratings seem to often be “gamed” at times, with users either giving maximum or minimum star ratings. Rather than read individual reviews I generally look for high numbers, tending to trust “the wisdom of the crowd” more than the opinions of just a few individuals.

Hour Tracking and Time Sheet Apps

I ended up settling (for now) on HoursTracker Lite. (free) You can see in the partial results above, it has the highest average star rating with the most submitted reviews. The different app options I considered for time tracking were:

With limited time to compare these apps and make my selection, I opted to download and compare two of them. Easy TimeSheet Lite didn’t have a very intuitive entry screen and had less export options than HoursTracker Lite. I also thought it exported too many fields of information: TMI, and no option was provided to reduce the number of exported fields. I like how HoursTracker Lite lets you email exported data in both CSV and a “email friendly” format, so others can view your exported data without downloading the attachment and opening it in Excel. I also just like the display and layout of the entries. They are easy to read and straightforward to adjust.

HoursTracker Lite - Timesheet for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store

I may consider ordering the full version of HoursTracker ($2.99) at some point, which would eliminate the ads and calculate pay periods. At this point I’m going to stick with the lite version and see how it goes.

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One response to “Time Tracking (time sheet) App for iPhone”

  1. Philip Avatar

    I’m always looking to save a buck so I always appreciate your app suggestions, Wes. I haven’t used Appolicious, but do utilize AppShopper to bookmark apps “I want” and get notifications for when they go on sale. I may need to add a few of these. Thanks for the tip.