Project Gutenberg currently includes over 33,000 free ebooks in the public domain or out of print. I was delighted to learn the latest version of Amazon’s Kindle software supports Project Gutenberg ebooks and the direct downloading of ebooks to the iOS Kindle app for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. Here’s how it works.
Visit the Amazon Kindle Store online by clicking the “Shop in the Kindle Store” button in the iOS Kindle application. Once there, click the link for “Free eBook Collections”in the left sidebar. Project Gutenberg is one of several options available.
Find a free book on Project Gutenberg you want to download. I used the organized “shelves” to browse through the list of “banned books.” (I was feeling a bit feisty today!)
I hadn’t ever read Martin Luther’s original 95 Theses, so this sounded like a good choice.
Click the DOWNLOAD tab at the top of the Project Gutenberg entry for the book you have selected. Multiple format options will be shown.
Choose the Kindle version. Safari on your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch should prompt you to open it in the Kindle app.
Alternatively, you can choose the ePub version to read the book in iBooks or another ePub compatible app you already have installed.
Now, the book you’ve selected should be available in your Kindle device’s library, and can be downloaded to other Kindle devices sharing the same Kindle / Amazon account login.
I’m not sure if this is the case for all Project Gutenberg ebooks, but the 95 Theses doesn’t have a custom book cover icon with a title. Hopefully a method to add book cover icons will be devised, similar to TuneUp for iTunes.
Using this method, you can download and read a free, draft copy of “Redefining the Beginner” from my forthcoming book with Karen Montgomery, “Powerful Ingredients for Blended Learning.” Until Kindle supports ePub, however, you’ll need to read it in iBooks, Goodreader, or another ePub-friendly iOS app. This book chapter is the week 1 reading assignment for students enrolled in my two sections of “Technology 4 Teachers” this semester at UCO.
A thorough, linked list of my favorite iOS apps (educational and otherwise) is available on
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
2 responses to “Free Project Gutenberg eBooks Download Directly to Kindle for iPad”
Appreciate the help with ebooks. I am having trouble getting my head around it all.