Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast372: Sharing the Power of Digital Storytelling in Hangzhou, China with Joe Lambert and Wesley Fryer

This is a podcast recording of a presentation by Joe Lambert and Wesley Fryer on digital storytelling at the 21st Century Learning Conference in Hongzhou, China on November 2, 2009. Our English presentations were translated as we spoke into Mandarin Chinese. Joe Lambert is the executive director of the Center for Digital Storytelling, based in Berkeley, California. Wesley Fryer is the executive director of Story Chasers Inc. based in Edmond, Oklahoma. The title of Wesley’s presentation, which came first in the presentation, was CCC in the 21C: Creating, Communicating, and Collaborating. The title of Joe’s presentation was The Place of Story, and it begins at the 40:30 point of this recording. A question and answer period was provided after the presentations. Links are provided in the podcast shownotes to additional resources related to these presentations and topics.

Show Notes:

  1. The Center for Digital Storytelling
  2. Bio of Joe Lambert
  3. Digital Stories by the BBC in Wales
  4. Stories of Why Where Matters: The Placemeant Project County Map of Stories
  5. My text notes from Joe Lambert’s session, “The Place of Story”
  6. Podcast from March 2006 at the SITE Conference: Joe Lambert on Digital Storytelling
  7. My text notes from March 2006: Digital Storytelling – Giving Purpose to Pixels by Joe Lambert
  8. My podcast reflection following the Hangzhou conference: Reflections on Social Media, School Change, 21st Century Learning Skills, and China
  9. Story Chasers Inc.
  10. Bio of Wesley Fryer

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