Tag: digitalstorytelling

  • Internet Radio Dreams

    Internet Radio Dreams

    This morning I’m dreaming of Internet Radio: My OWN Internet radio station patterned after the amazing example of ds106 Radio. Let me explain. In December 2012, I published the 3 minute photo story, “Live Internet Radio Broadcasting from a Bus.” In it, I shared “a story about webcasting a live radio show from a bus…

  • Tales by Light

    I started my morning this Thursday of our spring break by watching episode one of an amazing Netflix series, “Tales by Light.” In this post I’d like to reflect on how this documentary combines my loves for digital storytelling, photography, the stewardship of our planet, and powerful media narratives that can both enthrall and inspire…

  • Identity and Fire Cooking

    The Netflix “Chef‘s Table” BBQ documentary on (now) Australian chef Lennox Hastie, culinary artist at Firedoor Restaurant in Sydney, is an amazing celebration of both cooking creativity and the magical art as well as science of cooking with fire. The episode on Lennox is number 2 in the series: Learn more about him on his…

  • Amazing #STEM Animated Visual Notes by Dominic Walliman

    I agree and resonate with many of the things Jaron Lanier shares in the Netflix documentary, “The Social Dilemma,” but I disagree with his advice on YouTube’s “recommended videos.” Jaron advises we should never click on “recommended videos” on YouTube, since that furthers the dystopian economic model of “surveillance capitalism” upon which many of Silicon…

  • Invite Students to Enter Clean Shorts Film Festival

    This past Thursday I had an opportunity to attend and participate in EdCampEOC, held in Choctaw, Oklahoma, about 30 minutes to the east of where we live in OKC. During and after session 2, I met Ben Hlavaty (@czeckeredpast). Ben is starting his second year as the high school Video Production & Digital Photography Instructor at Eastern Oklahoma…

  • Podcast372: Sharing the Power of Digital Storytelling in Hangzhou, China with Joe Lambert and Wesley Fryer

    This is a podcast recording of a presentation by Joe Lambert and Wesley Fryer on digital storytelling at the 21st Century Learning Conference in Hongzhou, China on November 2, 2009. Our English presentations were translated as we spoke into Mandarin Chinese. Joe Lambert is the executive director of the Center for Digital Storytelling, based in…

  • I Need My Teachers To Learn 2.0

    Kevin Honeycutt has published an updated YouTube version of his wonderful song, “I Need My Teachers To Learn.” Instead of using video for the b-roll footage, his friend Rae helped him use still images synchronized to the music. It’s just over three minutes long, take some time today and check it out: In many ways…

  • Podcast274: StoryChasers Brainstorm #3 from 21 August 2008

    This podcast is a recording from our third online brainstorming session for the StoryChasers project on August 21, 2008. I was joined by Cheryl Lykowski, a 5th grade teacher from Michigan as well as James Sigler, a 3rd grade teacher from Missouri. We will convene a fourth brainstorming session (and hopefully our last one before…

  • Four projects and 1 place to know about

    I learned recently about an educator who is making a professional development journey across the United States to work with teachers and schools on using collaborative web 2.0 tools with students, and I sent her an email with the following information. These are collaborative projects I want to make sure she knows about, as well…